Wednesday, May 21, 2014


Colombia is a beautiful country with many things to offer as you can appreciate yourself in the following video.

Interesting facts about the United States are among the many things that attract millions of people to the usa and want to be a part of their culture
Please watch these two videos and enjoy learning languages

An average American typical day

It may come as a surprise to some that when distributed acrossall American adults (15+, male and female), including weekends, the average American spent just 3.57 hours out of every 24 on work and work-related activities in 2011, according to the BLS' American Time Survey. The number one time consuming activity? Sleep, at 8.71 hours (an all time high for the series), followed by Leisure and Sports with 5.21 hours in second place. The balance of the 6.51 hours remaining? 1.77 hours for Household Activities, 1.24 for Eating and Drinking, and so on, until we hit less than half an hour (0.47 hours) spent on education activities. At least the average time spent on telephone calls, mail and email is not more than the amount of time Americans spend edumacating themselves. 
Americans be working less but at least they are sleeping more that ever 

On the days that they worked, 36 percent of employed persons age 25 and over with a bachelor's degree or higher did some work at home, compared with only 11 percent of those with less than a high school diploma.

From a media perspective, older demographics watch more TV but advertisers are keener on younger audiences – in particular young males with disposable incomes. We believe that this could change, as older demographics are more tech savvy and engage with social media and innovations such as second screen applications.

Multiple jobholders were more likely to work on an average weekend day than were single jobholders—57 percent compared with 33 percent. Multiple jobholders were also more likely to work at home than single jobholders—31 percent compared with 20 percent.

Taken from: 


The typical day in the life of a 16 year old in the country of Colombia is not that different from that of an American 16 year olf. Colombia is a very modernized country with large cities and all of the modern conveniences of America. 16 year olds in Colombia eat more fresh foods, fruits and vegetables than American 16 year olds. 16 year olds in Colombia have more chores than American teenagers. Families are very strong on working together to make the home run smoothly. Most 16 year olds are huge soccer fans because that is the sport of the country. Though many 16 year olds in America enjoy soccer, the majority love football or baseball.

1 comment:

  1. Good afternoon Wilson, I think you did a great job comparing USA culture to ours. It sure looks a lot different, most of this differences come from the fact of their economic status where they can work less and have more free time than an average colombian.
    I will say that anybody who enters this blog will get a close look to the American culture and will learn a lot from your post.
