Monday, June 2, 2014

Meal time comparison between USA and Colombia

A daily schedule for an average American office worker begins waking up at 6:00, getting the children ready for school bus, at 7:00 am, the family will have a breakfast including a cereal, eggs, toasts, coffee or juice. Most of them will take a lunch box previously prepared basically with a sandwich, hamburger or hot dog for mid-day, because they will have a 20 minutes short brake for children and 30 minutes brake as lunch time for adults. Children begin school around 7:30 am and finish about 1:30 pm. Adults begin their 8 hour shift at 9:00 and end up at 5:00 pm.

As we can see Lunch doesn´t have the same meaning as it has in our culture, for us lunch has been the main meal for many years, it´s an important moment to share with our families usually between 12:00 mid-day to 2:00 pm., although this has been changing depending on the type of activity we do, now we don´t share with our relatives as we used to, but lunch stills our main meal.  

Holidays and Beliefs

In the USA there are officially ten holidays: New Year, Christmas, labor bay, thanksgiving, Memorial Day, veteran´s day, Columbus, Independence, Washington´s and Martin Luther King´s birthdays, none of them is a religious commemoration like in our country, where we have seventeen holidays per year half of them religious. We share some with the American customs as: New Year, and Christmas, and the Independence and Labor Day, but in different days.
Our traditional holy week is only celebrated by Christians in the USA and is not an official holiday, it is called Easter and is celebrated by children looking for plastic eggs decorated, filled and hid previously with candies or small gifts. In other states of the USA is called Eastern Bunny that consist of someone with a rabbit costume going around giving candies and gifts to children.
Due to the huge population with so many foreign, from different countries and different beliefs the American society is kind of neutral regarding religion, opposite to our culture based on Christianity and Catholicism.
Families in USA just like in our culture are the foundation of the society, having elder people as the backbone for the group.
Values are the same in both cultures, although there is a lot more respect in the North American culture no matter how you look or how you´re dressed up. Globalization has affected society around the world no matter where you are, everyday family members don´t share time as they use to. The improper use of technology has become a gap, which is making us solitaries.  

The most relevant concepts about Language Culture and Learning

A way to approach a foreign language is having contact with the country´s culture trough out authentic material in context, managing daily life situations, giving learners the possibility to have contact, recognize, understand and define different attitudes and behaviors from another society, which probably would make them appropriate deeply the second language.
The best way to accomplish the sociocultural competence when learning English Language, is having an open mind ready to accept different attitude, values, behaviors, opinions and habits, which might go against our own culture, but having this comparisons will let us appropriate the second language as a new opportunity, a new world a new life. 

What American's like to eat...

What an average american like to eat...

On the following video there is a short class about what american people eat on the daily basis. this choices differ a lot to what an average Colombian eat everyday. 
I invite you to watch the video and post your comments about what do you think are the differences among Colombian and USA eating habits.

American Holidays: 

One of the most important holidays for the people in the USA is the Christmas celebration. This celebration differs from Colombian Christmas celebration on many factor such as: it is celebrated on the 25th not the 24th of December. They wait for Santa Claus to come. Colombians wait for baby Jesus to be born. The presents are given to the children on the 25th. Colombians wait to midnight on the 24th. They have a big lunch together with the family on the 25th. Colombians party for most of the night of the 24th and sometimes have dinner with the family. In the USA the weather is very cold during this celebration. For Colombians there is tropical weather which allows people to go out the streets and celebrate differently.  
Some factor are alike between the two cultures, those are: the lights around the houses. The Christmas tree decorations. The meaning of being together with the family. The act of giving presents even though it is not on the same day. 
 For more of this cultural information about Christmas in the USA I invite you to watch the following video.